Calling All Watch D.O.G.S. & Watch M.O.M.S...
Welcome to the Sanders Corner Watch D.O.G.S & Watch M.O.M.S program where dads/moms special family may volunteer to be part of their child's school day. We are so excited you are interested in volunteering! We are gearing up for another exciting year. If you have any questions on the overall program, please email the coordinator, Kevin Hetman, at
An orientation presentation is posted below and will need to be reviewed prior to registering to volunteer. CLICK HERE to watch the presentation.
If you are a new WatchD.O.G.S./M.O.M.S program, please CLICK HERE to Register.
This Pocket Guide will help you know your daily assignments and schedule.
**Please keep in mind that when volunteering your help is needed at dismissal with car line and per policy “parents may NOT pick up students from the office after 2:15 PM until all dismissals are complete.”
Please order new t-shirts at the DOG Store. Returning dads may use prior shirts. ALL dads must wear official Watch D.O.G.S shirt as their top layer to volunteer as a Watch D.O.G. All Moms volunteering need to wear Sanders Corner Spirit Wear or a white polo.
**Registration is a THREE-STEP process**
New Participants | Returning Participants |
New Watch D.O.G.S & Watch M.O.M.S should follow these steps to get started: | Returning Watch D.O.G.S. can reuse their Watch D.O.G.S. t-shirts. However, you will need to register and agree to the "Positive Role Model Guidelines" on-line annually. |
1. Review the Orientation Presentation. All new participants must review the Orientation Presentation before volunteering. Click HERE to watch. |
1. Register and Agree to the Watch D.O.G.S. Guidelines. For returning participants or if you have a PTA account already: a) Log-in b) Go to Account c) Go to My Forms/Paperwork d) Go to Information Forms e) Go to Watch D.O.G.S & Watch M.O.M.S Registration to register and agree to the guidelines. |
2. Complete the Registration Form. If you have not already signed up online for a SCES PTA Account, then you must do this first.
If you have a SCES PTA account already: a) Log-in b) Go to Account c) Go to My Forms/Paperwork d) Go to Information Forms e) Go to Watch D.O.G.S & Watch M.O.M.S Registration to register and agree to the guidelines.
2. Review the Calendar. The SCES teachers have requested only WatchDOG/MOM per day. You MUST access the calendar under your Account to see the available dates.
a) Log into the school PTA website b) Go to Account c) Go to My Forms/Paperwork d) Go to Sign ups -- Watch D.O.G.S & Watch M.O.M.S. Once you click on the heading 'Watch D.O.G.S & Watch M.O.M.S', it will take you directly to the calendar so you can choose a date. |
3. Review the Calendar. Once you have a PTA Account and agree to the Guidelines on-line, then you can go to the online Watch D.O.G.S & Watch M.O.M.S calendar and choose a date. The SCES teachers have requested only one participant per day so if your first choice is already taken you must choose another day.
a) Log into the school PTA website b) Go to Account c) Go to My Forms/Paperwork d) Go to Volunteer Opportunities -- Watch D.O.G.S. & Watch M.O.M.S. 2024-2025. It will take you directly to the calendar so you can choose a date. (If you do not see the form, you will need to register and wait for an email that you have been added to the group) |
You will receive an email confirmation and a reminder email two days before your date. |
You will receive an email confirmation and a reminder email two days before your date. |
4. Order Watch D.O.G.S. t-shirts. All dads who volunteer must order and wear a Watch D.O.G.S. t-shirt. Moms will be wearing a white polo or Sanders Spiritwear. This is the official uniform of the program and identifies you as the Watch D.O.G.S & Watch M.O.M.S to school personnel and students.
**Shirts for your children are optional, but are highly recommended as your children will want to show that their dad or mom is the volunteer of the day by wearing their special shirt! You can order your shirt directly from the Dog Store. Please allow enough time for delivery before you're scheduled to volunteer.(Estimated 4-7 weeks) |
If you have any questions on the Watch D.O.G.S & Watch M.O.M.S overall program, please email the coordinator, Kevin Hetman at
Upcoming Events
- Wednesday, February 19
- Thursday, March 6
- Wednesday, March 19
- Friday, March 21
- Saturday, April 12