If you're new to Sanders Corner or just want a little help figuring out what we do, the PTA has put together a a list of FAQ's that describes our events, programs, and more. Have a suggestion for the glossary? E-mail Communications Team to have it added to the list.
Click on the question to view the answer. Click on it again to collapse the item.
- Register for a website account with membership toolkit.
- Once registered you will be sent to an OPEN form listing page where you can enter all your family contact information and determine what information you would like published in the directory.
- After contact info is complete, you will be sent back to the open form page, where you can fill out form for membership.
- Click on the Shopping cart and pay online for your membership.
- Click the drop down box on the Upper left to choose your language from the hundred languages offered.
- Once you fill out your family information, you will be asked to verify your directory preferences.
- After you completed the membership forms and paid, you have become a member. You will then see the directory in your navigation bar. If you click on that link you will find the directory.
- Go to Account then MY Forms and click on the directory Form and update.
- Go to Account then My Forms and click on the directory Form. Look for the BLUE box in the upper right corner and toggle to NO.
- By getting involved with the PTA, you can help shape the opportunities provided to children at SCES, you can have input into decisions affecting students and school resources, and you get the “inside scoop” on what is going on at the school where your children spend lots of waking hours! The fundraising efforts of the PTA are critical to providing academic, cultural and social opportunities for students, staff and families as well as providing a large role in helping to fund curriculum-based programs, building improvements, and assisting teachers with obtaining resources needed to improve classroom education.
- The PTA is financed through a variety of sources:
- Funds are obtained through PTA membership
- Linking your grocery cards to the school which is at no expense to you but yields thousands of dollars for the PTA.
- The PTA also receives funds through the Boxtops program and My Coke Rewards which yields several thousand dollars each year.
- Events such as spirit nights at local establishments, carnival, Bingo, etc.
- We’ve also been really blessed to have a few generous donations made by local business owners.
- The PTA is financed through a variety of sources:
- All donation amounts are welcomed. We have added an option this year for direct donations. Families are welcome to give as much as they choose.
- Funds are used for an amazing number of deserving events and resources.
- For instance, all of the social events at SCES, such as the movie nights, bingo nights, bedtime story night, Family Art night are completely free students, staff and their families to attend.
- The PTA also provides substantial funding to enhance the school curriculum.
- The PTA will also be providing financial assistance to the After School Enrichment Program in 2018-2019.
- In addition, the PTA provides funds to the Parent Liaison to assist where needed in providing clothing, supplies or meals to families where needed.
- The PTA also provides resources for our very deserving teachers such as financial assistance for classroom materials and a back-to-school luncheon. This is just a sampling of where the money goes!
- Funds are used for an amazing number of deserving events and resources.
- In addition to providing financial support, please attend PTA meetings which are open to everyone and are where you can learn about what is going on at the school and have input into critical decisions. Also, please consider volunteering. There are lots of places where you can serve depending on your interests and availability. To find out what opportunities exist, visit the PTA website, come to the Volunteer Orientation or email the PTA President, Toni Hansen at and she will be glad to help you explore where you can get involved!
- We hope to have babysitting available at every meeting for free. The sitters are High School, Middle School and Adult volunteers. If you know anyone that would be interested in helping out please let us know.
- Several local merchants (Giant, Harris Teeter) offer programs for schools to earn money. We are always on the look out for more, let us know if you hear of any new opportunities. These are known as Bonus Dollars programs. Learn more...
- Sanders raises over $1,000 per year by collecting Box Tops for Education. Just look for the Box Tops logo on many popular grocery and household items, then send them into school to help us take advantage of this fundraising opportunity. Bring them to your teacher who will turn them in to the PTA. Learn more...
- Our school colors are navy blue, gray, and teal. Be sure to have your kids wear their School Colors every Friday this school year.
- Friday is Spirit Day at Sanders Corner. Students and staff are encouraged to wear school colors or spirit wear to show their school pride.
- Squirt the dolphin is our school mascot. Squirt makes appearances at several events throughout the school year.
- We ask our staff members to complete a short questionnaire about their favorite things. If you're looking for gift ideas for your teachers, check out the Staff Favorites list. (This list is typically published before the winter holidays.)
- This is a program for Dads of students, designed to get more dads volunteering in the school. Learn more...
- Composed of parents, educators, administrators, business representatives, and other interested community groups concerned with the education of students with disabilities. The purposes of the committee are as follows:
- Advise the local school system of the needs in the education of children with disabilities.
- Assist the local school system in the development of long-range plans which will provide needed services for children with disabilities.
- Submit periodic reports and recommendations regarding the education of children with disabilities to the local school board.
- Review annually the school system’s updated special education plan and application for federal funding.
The SEAC continues to focus on the education for students who are Gifted and Talented as well as Special Education and on the impact of the No Child Left Behind regulations on providing services to students with disabilities.
The Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) meets monthly to discuss issues concerned with the education of students with disabilities.
- Composed of parents, educators, administrators, business representatives, and other interested community groups concerned with the education of students with disabilities. The purposes of the committee are as follows:
- The Minority Student Achievement Advisory Committee (MSAAC) is dedicated to work in partnership with the Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS), parents and community to further the academic, social and cultural development of every student and to ensure that the needs of all minority students are met.
MSAAC supports School Board and staff initiatives, and parent efforts to ensure that our school community becomes culturally competent, providing the corner stone to ensure fair and equitable instruction to all LCPS students.
We encourage the development of school cultures where every minority student is afforded the opportunity to achieve his or her full potential, feels welcome and is recognized as an integral member of the student body. All meetings are held at the Loudoun County Public School Administration Building in the School Board Meeting Room. For questions, please contact the Outreach office directly at (571) 252-1460.
- The Minority Student Achievement Advisory Committee (MSAAC) is dedicated to work in partnership with the Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS), parents and community to further the academic, social and cultural development of every student and to ensure that the needs of all minority students are met.
- The dates of the three ASEP sessions are:
Session 1: October 9th - December 14th (Registration for Session 1 will start in September.)
Session 2: January 8th - February 15th
Session 3: February 25th - April 15th
Click here for more information on ASEP
- The dates of the three ASEP sessions are:
Upcoming Events
- Wednesday, February 19
- Thursday, March 6
- Wednesday, March 19
- Friday, March 21
- Saturday, April 12